Did you know….
Before you read all the cool information below, please note, I too sometimes forget. I too have trouble keeping up with things we need to remember in our everyday life. This information is true and important, yet our dynamics in life change because things and situations we are going through. That’s cool, but remember, if you get used to doing some of these things you will for sure see a change in your skin, no doubt !!! Make it your routine. Do it as much as you can and to a point it becomes natural to do.
Did you know applying your skin care products in the right order is super important to ensure your skin receives all the benefits of each product.
Tafiy All Natural Routine:
Morning Routine:
*Wash your face with cold water. Your face should be cleansed from the night before. You do not need to cleanse your face again in the morning, a simple face wash and towel dab to dry is perfect, as long as you cleansed the night before.
*Apply Tafiy All Natural Face Serum.
*You need a couple of minutes to allow to absorb. Make your morning Coffee/Tea, prepare your cloths for the day, get dressed, whatever you choose, its important to allow these natural ingredients to seep into our skin.
*Apply your Tafiy All Natural Day Moisturizer. Allow to absorb before any makeup is applied.
*Finish off with Tafiy All Natural Step 2 Eye Treatment.
Evening Routine:
*Cleanse your face from your daily adventure.
*Apply Tafiy All Natural Step 1 Eye Treatment under your eyes, on the side of your eyes and around your eye lids. Be careful to not get anything inside your eyes. Be gentle, the skin around our eyes is almost five times thinner than the rest of our face. This is why we first see signs of aging around our eyes.
*Apply Tafiy All Natural Night Moisturizer.
*Finish off with Tafiy All Natural Step 2 Eye Treatment.
Did you know you can protect your skin from within….
Some natural and simple ways to protect yourself from sun damage:
*Plan your daily “outdoor” routine in the early morning or later in the afternoon, so you r skin wont be affected from harmful sun rays.
*Carrots, leafy greens, blueberry, Turmeric, almonds, watermelon, and lots more, offer an optimal supply of antioxidants that protect against UV rays and maintain your skins health and appearance.
*Wear a hat! So simple… I still forget my hat at home all the time. If you usually go out during the hot hours of the day try not to forget.
*Be careful around waters, snow and yes yes sand. Sounds weird but yes, these elements can reflect the damaging rays of the sun and potentially cause sunburn.
*Drink more water, yep, almost annoying to hear about it because we know we need too but we dont do it enough, but it’s a fact. Water is an ultimate protector to our bodies so just drink up. Although drinking a lot of water doesnt mean it will give you the perfect skin, still ,it is a great factor to having healthier organs and a healthier body which will show throughout our "outside/outer" body and skin. We take it for granted! So go and drink up.
Do you know the sun is very important for our skin….
The sun is very important for our skin, yet no more than ten minute a day, a factor we don’t usually stick too. However, the sun is our light! We tend to automatically think of the sun and cancer at the same time. Certainly we should protect our skin from too much exposer to the sun, and yes, we should not sit out in the sun on the hottest time of the day. Yet a smidge of sun is a little bit of a lot of good that is provided for our bodies, if that makes sense.
Our sun is what gives our soul light. As cheesy as that sounds, look at places in the world where the sun does not appear very often or the weather is constantly gloomy and grey. People tend to be more depressed, more sick. So you see, cheesy or not, the sun is so important for our soul and our skin, yet too much of anything becomes dangerous and hazardous.
Do you know what Free Radical really are…..
Free Radicals, what are they? we hear about them all the time but what are they really.
Free radicals are everywhere, to make it simple. The human body is in constant battle to keep from aging. Our bodies are bombarded from oxidative stress. In short, electron in our bodies like to be in pairs after oxygen in the body splits into single atoms with unpaired electrons. These atoms, called free radicals, hunt the body and attack everything that is close to them to find other electrons so they can become a pair. This causes mutation and damage to cells, protein and our DNA. In our case, and for the purpose of why we are talking about Free Radicals, this process causes aging skin and wrinkles.
Did you know how many times we touch our face in a day….
We can prevent the damage to our skin by simply not touching our face so much.
Zits, pimples, infection, rushes etc. Sounds easy to correct, and it could be, yet it’s a bit challenging because we do things so naturally every day, all day.
****Stop touching your face.
**A little “unthought off” thing we use daily…. car/house keys. They are tossed around everywhere collecting so many germs. Counters, desks, bathrooms, bags, pockets. Seriously guys, if you really really think of it, where were your keys all day?? BLAHHHH I just got the goosies thinking of mine.
** Sitting at our desk - we type, we eat, we touch paperwork, pens, pencils, objects. What’s the first thing we do when we space out or day dream about at work, lean our head on our hands, touch our face, pick our nose heehee…had to throw that in. Germssss everywhere.
As much as this list feels a bit “OCD”, these are things we just don’t think about. Sounds easy to not do, but we do it so naturally, every day.
Did you know how towels could be contributing to us getting pimples and zits....
**Towels- did you know how many germs and fungus is on/in our towels, especially a towel that has not been dried properly ( a towel is supposed to be air dried, to dry thoroughly ). Nope, I don’t go outside every day to dry my towel, yet I try my best to put it on hooks that allow air from both sides to dry. So our face might be cleaned by washing but using a damp, wet, “undried properly” towel does the opposite and creates so much skin problems…zits, pimples, infection…. you name it.
Did you know how our face "texture" improved with a touch of water.
When you are home, or if you feel comfortable at work or anywhere else outside, “Shpritz” your face with cold water during the day, make sure your hands are clean. Think of it as giving your skin water to drink. Cold water tighten your skin, protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. Use a paper towel to dab off access water. This is better than using a towel, hence above info., “Towels”. You might need to hydrate with a touch of “Tafiy Day Moisturizer”, you might not. Up to you and how you feel.
Did you know that washing your face once a day is enough.
Unless you have things flying in your face throughout the day, cleansing your face in the evening is enough. There is no need to cleanse your face in the morning, if your night routine included good cleansing. A simple wash off with cold water in the morning is enough. Over-washing your face can do worse than good.
Did you know that applying and mixing products with different companies….
Did you know that applying and mixing products with different companies can irritate your skin more than do good for you skin. This can ultimately lead to skin irritation and you not knowing which product is really good for you. Certain ingredients are not compatibles together. For example, a mix between one companies serum and another companies moisturizer can result in irritation and other unwanted reaction on skin, face and body. A simple “wrong ingredient” in a lip balm, while providing comfort and shine, will ultimately lead to dehydrated and drier lips. So whatever you choose, you need to look into the companies information. You don’t want a company that just sells to sell. You are responsible for yourself, take care of yourself, you are important!!!!
Did you know when we smell from bad body odor, it means we have some kind of toxins in the body that are trying to get out. We are not supposed to smell bad when sweating. If that is the case, go over what you are eating and see where you can make healthy changes.
Did you know how important Bees are to the human race.
As you read about Bees, you will discover that the Bees are one of the most important living beings on the planet. To keep it simple, yet “intensely” important, Bees pollinate approximate 90% of the worlds nutrition supply. One, just one!!!! Bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers a day…..woooohooooo.
So BEE -Careful and take a part in helping the Bees existence… In the simplest ways, just by planting beautiful Lavender, Rosemary, Calendula flowers and more .
How would our childhood be without wishing on a Dandelion……
Did you know, if you enjoy wearing cotton, know that the cotton plant your cotton threads came from was pollinated and/or visited by a Bee!
There is a major decline in the Bee population, an insect so important to the human race, yet you don’t hear of its importance much. Major factors in the decline is environmental and nutritional stresses due to habitat change and habitat loss and the pesticide poisoning that are applied to crop and weeds. Know that there are safer pesticides in the market that can be used, or you can always look into more natural ways.
Whatever we can do, a little here and a little there from each of us will, for sure, have an impact on the increase in the Bee population.